Individual Application
Please select the library you are affiliated with:
Please select a library
AK - The Alaska State Library Talking Book Center (in Juneau, AK )
AL - The Alabama Regional Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped (in Montgomery, AL )
AL - The Library and Resource Center for the Blind and Physically Handicapped (in Talladega, AL )
AR - The Arkansas Regional Library for the Blind And Physically Handicapped (in Little Rock, AR )
AZ - The Arizona State Braille and Talking Book Library (in Phoenix, AZ )
CA - Braille Institute (in Los Angeles, CA )
CA - Talking Books and Braille Center, San Francisco (in San Francisco, CA )
CA - The Talking Book Library for the Blind (in Fresno, CA )
CA - The California State Library Braille and Talking Book Library (in Sacramento, CA )
CO - The Colorado Talking Book Library (in Denver, CO )
CT - The Connecticut State Library (in Rocky Hill, CT )
DC - Center for Accessibility (in Washington, DC )
DC - Veterans Intake Center (in Washington DC, DC )
DC - The NLS Overseas Service (in Washington, DC )
DE - Delaware Library Access Services, Delaware Division of Libraries (in Dover, DE )
FL - The Pinellas Talking Book Library (in Clearwater, FL )
FL - The West Florida Public Library (in Pensacola, FL )
FL - The Brevard County Libraries (in Cocoa, FL )
FL - The Lee County Talking Books Library (in Fort Myers, FL )
FL - Talking Books (in Lake Worth, FL )
FL - The Orange County Library System (in Orlando, FL )
FL - The Talking Book Library of Dade and Monroe Counties (in Miami, FL )
FL - The Florida Bureau of Braille and Talking Book Library Services (in Daytona Beach, FL )
FL - The Broward County Talking Book Library (in Fort Lauderdale, FL )
FL - Talking Books/Special Needs, Jacksonville Public Library (in Jacksonville, FL )
GA - Georgia Library Service for the Blind and Print Disabled (in Atlanta, GA )
GU - Guam Public Library for the Blind and Print Disabled (in Agana, GU )
HI - The Hawaii State Library for the Blind and Print Disabled (in Honolulu, HI )
IA - The Iowa Library for the Blind and Print Disabled, Iowa Department for the Blind (in Des Moines, IA )
ID - The Idaho Commission for Libraries Talking Book Service (in Boise, ID )
IL - The Illinois State Library Talking Book and Braille Service (in Springfield, IL )
IL - The Chicago Public Library (in Chicago, IL )
IN - The Indiana State Library (in Indianapolis, IN )
KS - The State Library of Kansas, Talking Book Services (in Emporia, KS )
KY - The Kentucky Talking Book Library (in Frankfort, KY )
LA - The State Library of Louisiana (in Baton Rouge, LA )
MA - Perkins Library (in Watertown, MA )
MA - Talking Book Library, in Worcester MA (in Worcester, MA )
MD - The Maryland State Library for the Blind and Print Disabled (in Baltimore, MD )
ME - Maine State Library Outreach Services (in Augusta, ME )
MI - The Detroit Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped (in Detroit, MI )
MI - Braille and Talking Books@ Taylor Community Library (in Taylor, MI )
MI - Macomb Library for the Blind and Print Disabled (in Clinton Township, MI )
MI - The Muskegon Area District Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped (in Muskegon, MI )
MI - The St. Clair County Library (in Port Huron, MI )
MI - The Grand Traverse Area Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped (in Traverse City, MI )
MI - Genessee District Talking Center (in Flint, MI )
MI - The Kent District Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped (in Wyoming, MI )
MI - Braille and Talking Book Library (in Lansing, MI )
MI - The Washtenaw Library for the Blind and Print Disabled (in Ann Arbor, MI )
MI - Oakland Talking Book Service (in Rochester, MI )
MI - Great Lakes Talking Books Advisory and Outreach Center (in Marquette, MI )
MN - Minnesota Braille and Talking Book Library (in Faribault, MN )
MO - The Wolfner Library (in Jefferson City, MO )
MS - The Blind and Physically Handicapped Library Services, Mississippi Library Commission (in Jackson, MS )
MT - The Montana Talking Book Library (in Helena, MT )
NC - State Library of North Carolina Access Books and Library Services (in Raleigh, NC )
ND - The North Dakota State Library (in Bismarck, ND )
NE - The Nebraska Library Commission Talking Book and Braille Service (in Lincoln, NE )
NH - The New Hampshire State Library, Talking Book Service (in Concord, NH )
NJ - New Jersey State Library-Talking Book and Braille Center (in Trenton, NJ )
NM - The New Mexico Library for the Blind and Print Disabled (in Santa Fe, NM )
NV - Nevada Talking Book Services (in Carson City, NV )
NY - The Andrew Heiskell Braille and Talking Book Library (in New York, NY )
NY - The New York State Talking Book and Braille Library (in Albany, NY )
OH - Ohio Library for the Blind and Physically Disabled (in Cleveland, OH )
OK - The Oklahoma Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped (in Oklahoma City, OK )
OR - Oregon Talking Book and Braille Library (in Salem, OR )
PA - The Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped, Free Library of Philadelphia (in Philadelphia, PA )
PA - LAMP/Library of Accessible Media for Pennsylvanians (in Pittsburgh, PA )
PR - The Puerto Rico Regional Library for the Blind and Physically handicapped/Biblioteca Regional para Ciegos y FÃsicamente Impedidos de Puerto Rico (in San Juan, PR )
RI - Rhode Island Talking Books Library (in Providence, RI )
SC - The South Carolina State Library (in Columbia, SC )
SD - The South Dakota Braille and Talking Book Library (in Pierre, SD )
TN - Tennessee Library for Accessible Books and Media (in Nashville, TN )
TX - The Texas State Library's Talking Book Program (in Austin, TX )
UT - The Utah State Library Division (in Salt Lake City, UT )
VA - The Bayside and Special Services Library, Virginia Beach Public Library (in Virginia Beach, VA )
VA - The Fredericksburg Area Subregional Library (in Fredericksburg, VA )
VA - The Talking Book Center (Staunton Public Library) (in Staunton, VA )
VA - Roanoke Public Libraries, Talking Book Services (in Roanoke, VA )
VA - The Fairfax County Public Library, Access Services (in Fairfax, VA )
VA - The Talking Book Service (in Arlington, VA )
VA - The Alexandria Library-Beatley Central (in Alexandria, VA )
VA - The Virginia Library and Resource Center, Department for the Blind and Vision Impaired (in Richmond, VA )
VI - The Virgin Islands Library for the Visually and Physically Handicapped (in Christiansted, VI )
VT - The Vermont Department of Libraries, Special Services Unit (in Berlin, VT )
WA - The Washington Talking Book & Braille Library (in Seattle, WA )
WI - The Wisconsin Talking Book and Braille Library (in Milwaukee, WI )
WV - The West Virginia Library Commission-Special Libraries (in Charleston, WV )
WV - Talking Books: Services for the Blind and Print Disabled (in Huntington, WV )
WV - Services for the Blind and Physically Handicapped (in Parkersburg, WV )
WV - The West Virginia School for the Blind (in Romney, WV )
WY - Wyoming-The Utah State Library Division (in Rawlins, WY )
For support, please
The National Library Service for the Blind and Print Disabled home page
BARD main page